Tompkins County and ten municipalities within Tompkins County have come together to prepare a comprehensive Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Joint Safety Action Plan. The participating municipalities are: 

City icon City of Ithaca
Town icon Town of Ithaca
Village icon Village of Cayuga Heights
Town icon Town of Caroline
Town icon Town of Danby
Town icon Town of Dryden
Village icon Village of Dryden
Town icon Town of Lansing
Village icon Village of Lansing
Town icon Town of Newfield

SS4A-Joint Safety Action Plan

The Joint Safety Action Plan will provide recommendations and strategies to improve safety at identified locations and help eliminate deaths and serious injuries throughout the region. The goal is to help make Tompkins County safer for all road users including people who drive, walk, bike, or ride transit.  

Data Driven Analysis

This Plan utilizes an innovative data-driven approach to improving safety in the County through first analyzing roadway characteristics, traffic volumes, and local crashes to understand the key factors affecting safety outcomes throughout the transportation network. Additionally, the crash analysis will be conducted to tell a story through data tables and figures about where, when, and why crashes are occurring in the region. As a part of this safety analysis, the project team will execute a network screening approach to evaluate individual corridors and intersections and prepare a prioritized list of location-specific and systemic network treatments.  

Safety for Everyone

This Plan utilizes an innovative data-driven approach to improving safety in the County through first analyzing roadway characteristics, traffic volumes, and local crashes to understand the key factors affecting safety outcomes throughout the transportation network. Additionally, the crash analysis will be conducted to tell a story through data tables and figures about where, when, and why crashes are occurring in the region. As a part of this safety analysis, the project team will execute a network screening approach to evaluate individual corridors and intersections and prepare a prioritized list of location-specific and systemic network treatments.  
Equity and inclusion considerations are a priority for each step of the Plan development including the analysis, engagement, location prioritization, and improvement selection process. This will improve the strategies by more accurately representing existing challenges and opportunities, while ensuring an emphasis on equitable countermeasure implementation.  

Solutions Through Outreach

The project team will develop a toolkit of best practices to address the key factors, create a prioritized list of projects, a resolution stating the County’s support for Towards Zero Deaths, recommendations for improving safety beyond infrastructure solutions, and a final report and implementation plan. Throughout this process the project team will work with transportation safety stakeholders, coordinate with state partners, and seek input from Tompkins County residents. For more information on various aspects of this project please review the project resources page and follow the links in the announcements below. 

Announcement Megaphone Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.comAnnouncements

July Community Outreach Dates & Locations

Please join us virtually or in-person to provide your input on this Joint Safety Action Plan at the following events:

Online Presentation & Discussion
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Presentations @ 6:00 PM or 6:45 PM
Join the meeting online
Meeting ID: 227 070 525 260
Passcode: feZcVr
By phone: 1 857-410-1629
Phone Conference ID: 695 999 897#

Newfield Old Home Days
Newfield Central School
247 Main Street
Friday, July 26, 2024
4 PM - 9 PM

Ithaca Farmers Market
The Pavilion
Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 AM - 3 PM

Trumansburg Farmers’ Market
Route 227 & 96
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
4 PM - 7 PM

Share your safety concerns and issues about traveling (driving, walking, biking, etc.) on Tompkins County roadways by clicking the link above and then clicking "Submit a Comment." This feedback, in addition to safety data analysis, will help to inform the Tompkins County Joint Safety Action Plan.

Safe Streets Tompkins Website

These announcements will provide progress updates on the Tompkins County Joint Safety Action Plan and ways to make your voice heard to help make Tompkins County streets and roadways safer for everyone.

Know the Road Facts: The United States

  • Every 7 seconds, someone is injured in a car crash.

  • Every 15 minutes, someone is killed.

  • Many of the crashes occur during the workday or the daily commute.

The following charts provide crash data on fatalities and serious injuries within Tompkins County, which is being used in the analysis to help develop the Tompkins County Joint Safety Action Plan.

Fatalities in Tompkins County, Upstate New York and New York State

Source: TSSR (ITSMR)

Serious Injuries in Tompkins County, Upstate New York and New York State

Source: TSSR (ITSMR)

Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in Tompkins County, Upstate New York and New York State

Source: TSSR (ITSMR)

Serious Injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in Tompkins County, Upstate New York and New York State

Source: TSSR (ITSMR)

Bicyclist and Pedestrian Fatal and Serious Injuries in Tompkins County, Upstate New York and New York State

Source: TSSR (ITSMR)